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I Spied A Newschooler...Again.
Posts: 2141
Karma: 20
yes, it is true. i have found another one.
alright. if it is you, holler back
sunday, oct. 10th, around 4:30pm
Williston, Vermont
waiting at a red light coming out of the walmart/home depot place
drives a grey volvo with armada sticker on back
i was in the black ford explorer blasting atmosphere.
i need to find you.
GIRLS OF NS represent
Posts: 1828
Karma: 19
you so want him...
'I hit a kid with my car over xmas break, put him in the hospital on a ventilator for two days serves him right' dspin7x
'Over christmas break, i got hit by a car, and had to go on a ventalator in the hospital for like 2 days.' markd13
Posts: 6805
Karma: 23
i spotted about 30 ns members yesterday, it was at a lil place called roundtop
holy shit!!!111!1! he has more hten one namne??>?? omggg!! what a sux0rz@!! LOL
I wrote the words to this song on the back of a photograph
Behind your back it goes
A little something like this is way to big to miss....
Posts: 2994
Karma: 17
Booooo you whore
drinking is always the answer. dog dies? have a drink. got a F on your math final? have a drink. hooked up with you moms aunt? have a drink.-cj
Posts: 2141
Karma: 20
^ yes i am a whore. damn, caught me
GIRLS OF NS represent
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
if you see a tourquiose mini van with a mt. snow sticker, thats this brotha right here.
Good Fun With A Hand Gun.
Posts: 15174
Karma: 480
message jksl, he was there at that approx. time.
-Pat Melvin
Posts: 4495
Karma: 14
your insane. quit now.
Posts: 1031
Karma: 187
Posts: 3296
Karma: 16
we should all make bumberstickers with our sn on it so we know when we see each other
bigJ lineskier10 '05
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
deal. or tshirts. i'm strongly in favour of t-shirts
rex thomas asked to blow his nose on my doo-rag once.
Posts: 4731
Karma: 3,017
^ here here t shirts would be bad ass
Sookhon De'Snutz
Posts: 1335
Karma: 15
Quit using NSers for your no-strings-attached sexual escapades......unless I can get some.
I don't know karate, but I know Ka-razy
Posts: 2141
Karma: 20
well nsers...they're just so EASY
GIRLS OF NS represent
Posts: 1335
Karma: 15
Most of us are GUYS....
I don't know karate, but I know Ka-razy
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
and the t-shirts could have 'I don't know karate, but I know Ka-razy' on the back, just because that's so ridiculously awesome
rex thomas asked to blow his nose on my doo-rag once.
Posts: 649
Karma: 10
or they could just say in huge letters
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
HAHA, that is EXACTLY what mine is going to say. no joke.
rex thomas asked to blow his nose on my doo-rag once.
Posts: 1720
Karma: 11
i consider myself hard to get
'do i look gullable to you , or even a gulla-calf?'
Posts: 2155
Karma: 19
hahahah we def should get stickers with our NS names.
Posts: 2141
Karma: 20
everyone make one.
wear it. love it. live it.
GIRLS OF NS represent
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
i see a NSer every day of school his name is steve and he is wll known on here and one of the most respected users on here too bad i'm not... lol
TheSaying Around Here Is:
Go Big Or Go HOME
Posts: 1335
Karma: 15
Holy shit that site is overpriced. Go to a local t-shirt shop.
I don't know karate, but I know Ka-razy
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
they could be bitch slap braclets your could bitch slapp non-Nsers with them... lol
TheSaying Around Here Is:
Go Big Or Go HOME
Posts: 4479
Karma: 11
no no no. You all are on to something here. I like the bumper sticker idea...a lot, and t shirts or hoodies is an awesome idea too. Seriously, let's all invest
did that make any sense?
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
i would invest with some extra cash after i buy some ski's its quite a good idea for big citys and long trip in the winter time
TheSaying Around Here Is:
Go Big Or Go HOME
Posts: 941
Karma: 10
i am also a whore
its in the water
Posts: 11654
Karma: 4,989
yeah deffinitely jksl. he's a whore too.
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
we could all get matching purses and be like little women
Some people talk it, some people live it, some people walk it-some people give it... deal with it.
D-Loc AKA Shaky Bones... Original, Unique, and One of a Kind.
land of the free???@#! haha right... free to the power of the people in uniform
skiin', smokin', snackin', sexin', sleepin'... all anyone needs in life
Posts: 9599
Karma: 129
NS stickers are a good idea. i've got some stickers on my car from car forums.......... a NS sticker would rock!
- Ian
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
'what a coincidence! i have an erection.' - Derek
'the objective was to get huge tits the size of mountains jack ass. i had to look at fat porn to make these.' - bitchassphatz
Posts: 3608
Karma: 90
i believe alot of people would buy a ns bumper sticker...i would
1 Month, 2 Weeks, 5 Days Left
Posts: 8681
Karma: 54
was he highly sketchy and did he look a lot like harry potter??
if not, message jksl.
Lauren and Ella: together changing teenaged boys lives since 2001.
Fistin' Mad Bitches!
This is one voice not to forget:
'Fight every fight like you can win;
An iron-fisted champion,
An iron-willed fuck up.'
Skiing's not a sport, it's a lifestyle.
Posts: 7866
Karma: 299
if it was a girl it could've been me. I was in VT and representing with the NS hoodie. But nooooo.
****was anyone around stratton yesterday, from NY, was wearing a gray jacket and had lunch in that little sandwich shop? he was so cute, and I couldnt decied if he was a boarder or skier. =(
the best skier is the one who has the most fun
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
Posts: 4479
Karma: 11
I saw one too. Today at spokane falls comunity college. You were driving a red ford ranger and you had a blank ns hoodie. Who are you!?!?!?
did that make any sense?
Posts: 11358
Karma: 21,035
IM EASY PLASE BE WITH ME, im so so loney
Posts: 5333
Karma: 168
get some
[i treat each day like its game seven in overtime.
born to shine at home and over border lines.]
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