Thanks for actually giving some advice, maybe I need to spend more time in M&A instead of SG and NSG, I'll try to address all of you.
mattslines- He is lead climbing, meaning he's roped in the entire way, just climbing up to each bolt and clipping in from there. He could fall and take a nasty whipper, but he isn't just free soloing
Tijmen Dal- Thanks, I should know that about my own camera haha. Definitely could have found a better angle, but was a last minute shot and beggers cant be choosers. With a little preparation I think I'll find better angles in the future.
Canterbury-I know the rock climbing one does have its mistakes, I layered the images to basically how they lay out on top of each other and erased the the area on each image where the climber doesn't show. Probably not the most efficient way, but the only way I know how to make sequence photos that match up. Definitely will use the patch tool, can you use that between multiple layers or I'm assuming they have to be merged or a single layer.
Both of you addressed the lack of a frame of the climber low, I just missed the shot haha. The rope was pretty difficult to figure out. Its photoshopped in some areas, not because trying to enhance the photo, but just to make the photo work. It would have always been going a different direction as he's lead climbing so i just took out a few parts and made it one continuous rope. Appreciate the input!