I DON'T FUCKING SKI, jesus christ.
Let me start by saying wallride 180's, skateboarding, nose grabs, skateboarding.
The argument is not whether or not sports have taken lingo or trick names from skateboarding. That is not what is frustrating, I love watching skiing and I respect the fuck out of it, however, I do not ski. I love snowboarding and I snowboard and they use skateboarding terms much like skiing and ROLLER SKATING in fact much more than skiing and ROLLER SKATING.
I do not care about people using the same language as skateboarding it makes sense.
WHat pisses is me off is you're saying that all of these tricks and their corresponding name originates from roller skating. ROLLER SKATING. That is what you fucking do, it is not difficult, that is why every fucking 4 year old in america knows how to roller skate.
Not saying I am not impressed by a guy like Montre Livingston he does cool shit. But how hard is it? Let's be honest here, snowboarding, bmx'ing, skiing, and skateboarding are all light years more difficult than roller skating.
And to be honest I could give a fuck less I usually don't hate on fruit booters especially when they're decent. I just really do not fucking like you OP. You seem like such a tool bag. My god.