A few things:
-The site is kind of difficult to navigate. I clicked on the 'web design' tab and then sat there waiting for things to load. Took me a minute to figure out that the two little boxes expanded. I don't think these are necessary for a portfolio/sales type of website, especially when the content present doesn't need to be 'compacted' for viewing/selection. If you want people to view your work, make it as easy and available as possible; don't make them look for it. Currently I have to click THREE separate things to look at any of your work. Might not seem like a big deal, but it is.
-In the paragraph explaining your design choices on websites, I liked: explaining the goal of the website and how your features achieve it, explaining particular options/features implemented (twitter/fb button, interactive map, etc) and noting that sites can be built to be run by someone with less knowledge than you. I would not include the sentence about color schemes, it's kind of irrelevant in that context.
-I would include less personal information when describing your projects, because right now it sounds like the only work you've done is for friends/associates/fraternities. Whether or not this is true, it detracts from legitimacy/professionality.
-I would take out all of the information about camera angles, shot types, and technical decisions in the video section. The majority of clients don't really care what certain things you did or why, they just want to see that you can make an effective/pleasing video. Your work should speak for itself.
-"I have over a year of solid photography experience"...I saw this before I saw any of your work. It does not leave me feeling confident as a potential client.
-After seeing your photo section:
Majorly cull your photos. Why is there a photo of protein powder? McDonalds cup? Top of a mailbox? 6 pictures of a sunset in Florida? Etc. Etc. Etc. Most just look like random snapshots. I would continue working to strengthen your photographic abilities and portfolio before offering it as a service.
Let me know if you need clarification on anything; I tend to wander with my thoughts.