oh yeah, it definitely isn't, but the point is that the facts from science are just another rationale. certainly a more logical one, but there are lots of things science can't explain either. people don't like to admit that we just have no fucking clue and probably wont ever have a fucking clue because we aren't advanced enough to explore the relationships between things we try to make sense of in our three dimentional world that are limited by our own observation.
so rather than, like i said, engaging in the never ending tug-of-war with scientists saying religion is wrong and religious people saying science is wrong, why not just chill and say "this is what makes sense to me" rather than "there can't be a creator for the universe because im a scientist and atoms and radiation and math equations and telescopes tell me it isn't possible". for all we know this shit is like men in black where the giant super aliens are playing marbles with universes and everything that happens is a result of their actions in a game. how could we possibly know what we just can never grasp as simple human beings?
im absolutely not arguing that science is invalid, because it has proven a lot of things. but as to the creation of the universe and other weird shit that goes on that i don't even have the mental capacity or intellect to grasp and even attempt to explain, im just going to sit back and say "wtf, who knows, im not going to take sides on this one".