I have many... I'm a klutz in the strongest sense of the word.
I was intoxicated and skiing in a bikini top and snow pants. My friend and I were basically tossing the camera back and forth and doing stupid stuff (this was during the bikini run). So I go for this ride on box. Only to notice a delicate butterfly perched on the box a moment before popping on. So I opted to eat it, hooked my ski and over stretched my leg like it has never stretched before. Thought I was fine and was laughing hysterically about it. Then I woke up the next morning and realized I could barely walk.
Then there is the time I worked at Buck Hill (ski area in Minnesota) and this fellow I had quite the crush on asked me to deep fry a pretzel for him. Of course I said yes. To deep fry the pretzel, you need to use tongs and hold it under in the oil. So I'm holding it down and one of my co-workers tries to scare me. I proceed to lift the pretzel up super quick covering my hand in 450 degree oil. We were short staffed so the fellow I had a crush on brought me to the hospital. It was one of my better moments in highschool in that he was really popular... and I was not.
At the beginning of April I was dancing at one of the bars in Mammoth during an employee party. It was a black and white formal so all the ladies were in heals and so forth. My friends and I were hammered and dancing on a table when my other friend wanted to join. So I went to help pull her up. As she was stepping up, she slipped and fell into my face splitting my lip and giving me a minor break in my nose. I was laughing again cause to me it was funny, but the horror on all the girls' faces when I walked into the bathroom freaked me out a bit. I was fine, I just couldn't rub my nose or wear my glasses for about 10 days.
Then there was the time it was around -30 out in Colorado and we were intoxicated and wanting a hot tub session. My friends was all icky so we opted for the neighbors. No lights were on so we figured it was good to go. Stayed in a few hours. Thing was, we were swimsuit free so all of our clothing was outside of the hot tub. I went to try to put my clothes back on and couldn't get my jeans or underwear on because they were frozen together and my tshirt was straight frozen to the deck. So I put on my hoodie and grabbed my clothes. I went to jump off the balcony and the moment my skin made contact to the metal post... my skin became one with the metal post. I didn't really realize the extent of what had happened until the next morning when there was blood on the white rental sheets and I had a huge welt on my shin. I now have a lovely scar to commemorate the occasion.
In 3rd grade I was happily riding my bike to my friends house. The sun was setting making my vision slightly more difficult. I was riding past another friends house when the called over and were waving. I waved back, and as I did, I was clotheslined by their volleyball net. I proceeded to flip over it and smash my face into the sidewalk tearing up my hands, my knees, nocking me out, giving me a gnarley rope burn across my neck and chest and breaking my two front teeth in half. I have since broken them out many more times.
Not really an injury, but odd; I had just gotten over pneumonia and was going to work. I realized mid day that my toe really hurt. A few days later my foot was entirely infected as it turned out I had been bitten by a spider (likely a black widow because we found some in the storage unit below my apartment). This took about 3 weeks to heal and left me wearing a flip flop on my foot in the middle of february in Mammoth. It was really lovely because my foot was purple and everyone thought it was frost bite. But no... just necrosis taking effect. I made it to the doctor just in time though, I was a day or so away from blood poisoning.
So many more... this thread brings back many memories.