So your dislike of popular kids really bothers you so much that you think this is just. I don't care if his family was rambunctious as fuck and cheering for him and being annoying it's not his fault.
Kid's like you, who may not be the most popular kids at school that generalize things by saying "all popular kids are just assholes" are just as bad as the popular assholes who generalize the less social kids calling them names and being cock suckers to them. I was always considered a well known and like kid at the high schools I attended but I wasn't some fucking cock sucker. I never picked on kids. I never generalized myself with a specific group of individuals. I was liked by the faculty by the fucking dweeby kids, and by the kids who were the popular assholes. Fuck it I even had a great relationship with the janitors at my schools. I just had a lot of friends so you think because this kid is popular he deserves to be shit on, because some asshole at your school shits on you?
Fuck kids like that, have some fucking self confidence and be the bigger man. Some fucking popular jackass foot ball player is a prick to you, ignore that shit. Know in your heart of hearts that you are the bigger person who could die tomorrow saying "I may not have been the most popular kid but at least I wasn't a fucking cock sucker to other people." God damn it this post pissed me off.