...And you also see it as destruction, because its "more than just a rail", the way you've posted, you agree with the group that believe its a "very significant object". To a lot of people its not. It means nothing. Why shouldn't you be able to ride a war monument? Most are created after the fact and in terms of materials, none participated in the war. Also, it seems much more likely that a family rooted in a monument has an obscure relation with the family member they lost. A war monument is merely a national memorial for the general occurrence of death, not a single, personal death. There is really no reason to believe everyone thinks that its a "religious object" or that a "large group of people" support it - there is a large group that does not at all believe that a simple monument represents their family.
I don't even honestly understand the debate over a graveyard.... they're dead. When I'm dead, ride over me all you want because I will have no clue that you are doing it. Spray paint my gravestone if you want, it won't matter to me.
I understand that you want to look like a goodie goodie cocksucker. Honestly though, monuments are preserved by the government for a nation. Personal deaths are preserved by families and are not material to the rest of the nation. Grinding a monument is more of a 'fuck the government' than it is a 'fuck the soldiers' plea. Stop being a bitch.