Post stories of yourself or people you know getting busted by the police
I'll start: a friend and myself one night decide to chill out and blaze, so I meet him outside the Safeway he works at after he got off his shift and we ripped a bowl in his car. We then drove around in his car looking for some of his friends to hang out with, at which point he got a phone call from one of said friends. Not wanting to drive and talk on the phone at the same time we pull into some swimming pool parking lot so he can call his friend. Well my idiot friend didn't see the cop at the end patrolling, with another car full of guys our age pulled over and proceeded to get us pulled over too. At this point the car still smells like weed, and the cop searched his car and finds an eigth of very nice weed and a 160 dollar bong. My friend got a MIP charge, but he was a cool guy and got me out of trouble with the law by saying everything in the car was his (which it was). Unfortunately, that didn't keep me outta trouble with my parents, who flipped out.
Note: driving while baked is not the greatest idea, I know. I was being pretty stupid. Also this thread is inspired by the running from cops thread.