Alright, here it goes. All prices are without shipping, and I'll ship anywhere as long as you pay for it. All items listed for sale are best offer unless otherwise noted. Please do not make any cash offers on items listed for trade, if I reconsider on those items I will post them as such. I take payment through paypal, dwolla, or bitcoin only, and I typically ship out items within 2 days via express mail. For most items, I have listed the condition out of ten, if you need any clarification on what each score means/blemishes contact me. Feel free to check my feedback on my transaction history, and let me know if you need/want any more pictures/image verification with my username, as I am happy to do that, especially on the higher priced items. Also, I respond more quickly to PM's than thread posts, so if I'm taking a bit long to answer your question you might want to do that.Thanks for looking!
First off for sale is a supreme safari (not sure if that's the name of it?) camp cap in orange. 9/10 - 50$.
Second, another supreme camp cap in black suede. 10/10 - 60

Both of these were bought at the Supreme store in NY.

Bodega camp cap. One of the best streetwear stores on the east coast 10/10 - 30.

Sessions trucker cap -5. Moment 7 5/8 hat -10. Jiberish Ballpark 7 5/8 - 25.

Jiberish Convert Blue in Large. Looking for TRADES ONLY for either a large manchester chambray or rail yard gingham. 10/10

Jiberish Jeans with Blue Stitching in a Size 34. 4/10 - 30.

Jiberish White Royally Fitted Large 10/10 - I'm not sure how much this is worth, so maybe 70 or offer?

Jiberish XXL Blacklist Camo Lohi 9/10 - For TRADE ONLY for a l seersucka.

Keystone Sunglasses - 5. Electric ECDC XL's 7/10 45.

Patagonia Cattail Snap-Up in XL 9/10- 90.

Jiberish Pocket Windy in Mint L 10/10- Trade for chambray or something

Jiberish Tic-Tac Dope in L 10/10- Offer me something.