sounds like your friends suck. I'll give the benefit of the doubt being that you're 16.
All roommates get annoying at some point; you just gotta know what you're getting into and know how to step back and ask yourself how big of a deal the situation really is. The little things really add up, but you just gotta have a personal outlet of some form if shits bothering you, and know how to speak out if it's really bothering you. Be smart; know that others can't read minds; and know that some things are a big deal, but most of the time they aren't; ask yourself if you're being unreasonable, because I've found that of myself at times.
In the end, beer/whiskey will be a real eye-opener. For example, one roommate that I've known for 4 or so years now kinda gets to me sometimes, but when we're drunk I feel like way more of buddies. For some people there may be a serious airing of grievances that may be pretty detrimental, but at least it'll get the troof out there. My other roommate who I've know since we were real young I've never had a problem with except all the typical minimal annoyances.
Good luck, and watch this video for advice if it gets real bad: