List of chemicals and materials
- Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment
- a glass eyedropper
- three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)
- one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether)
- one should be clear (and it can't be the marked one)
- a Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
- a glass quart jar
- sharp scissors
- clean rubber gloves
- coffee filters
- a measuring cup
- measuring spoons
Preparing your reagents
Preparing Ethyl Ether
WARNINGS: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not
use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an
anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
also i removed a ton of the materials, to not post how to make meth on a ski forum.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it
looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the
bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap
the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the
top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water)
and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this
until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and
put it in
the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.