Hell yeah, good post.
And I'd multiquote SkierX too if I could; but local politics is basically useless, unfortunately. There are really only a handful of laws worth having, and all the "good ones" have been outsourced to being legislated upon and enforced by more central branches of the greater scheme. After federal and state levels of certain laws, there is virtually nothing left for municipalities, counties, townships, and districts to do, unless they're in the city.
My grandma was on our town board for my whole young life, and I used to sit in on the meetings when I was a young kid. They talked about nothing. Simple budgeting for the highway department, zoning stuff, speeding tickets, and the big decade long debate was the "mass gathering law"; where you'd have to apply for a permit for gatherings involving more than 10,000 people. Well, there aren't that many people in this town, and that shit NEVER happens, and it was the high point of the past ten years. An utter waste.
If you ask me, I'd say that local communities should enforce the "big stuff" FIRST. Property crimes, murders, rapes, etc.
This is the first time in human history that government has been THIS massive. I advocate for decentralized, autonomous, community-based government, where the concerns of the individual could be voiced with results. If I raise my hand outside the whitehouse and complain about something, they'd tell me to piss off, and nothing would be done. If I raised my hand at the town board meeting with a concern, I wouldn't be so faceless, and my concerns would likely be attended to in a reasonable manner, relatively soon. Why go against the way things have been done for the majority of post-neolithic revolution humanity? POWER, baby. Fuck em.