Are you fucking stupid?
Jesus this is why I hate these types of threads. The economy is in recovery? Really?
Our economy is shit and getting worse. Not all obamas fault, or bush's fault, or clinton's fault. This is shit that goes back to 1913.
Saying our economy is getting better is a fucking joke. The only things we've done is make it worse. Our economy looks like the hockey stick graph from an inconvenient truth but flipped upside down.
Lol at the thought that he's done shit to improve our economy. Just another president to go even harder than the last at fucking our economy quite hard. It's almost to the point where we can't even recover even if we changed shit now. And all the while shit keeps getting worse.
But to here shit in the news about how things are getting better? Fuck it actually makes me mad. One of the few things that's able to make me mad is people absorbing all this fucking bullshit.