The other night I was just watching some ESPN on TV, having a nice relaxing night in. Nothing too good on TV so I figured I would wait around to see top plays before sleep. It was around midnight so they were coming on soon. Top10 weren't very good that night so I just started to get ready to go to bed. After I turned the TV off I heard these kids laughing their asses off outside some rattling around and doing god knows what. Fucking noisy pricks. I walked to my window to see what was going on and they were doing something to a car in the street.. I ran outside because it looked like they were slapping my car with my KONY 2012 sign. I thought I scared them pretty good because they ran like hell. Went back inside and passed out because I was too tired to go put my KONY 2012 sign back in the ground.
Next morning I'm getting ready on my way to work. THERE IS FUCKING SHIT ON MY CAR. Those fuckers shit on my car. Then they used my KONY 2012 sign to smear it everywhere! It was all over my hood, some on the windshield too. I have no idea who the fuck they were. 3 punk ass kids shit on my car. WHO THE FUCK SHITS ON A CAR.
God dammit I'm pissed. It ruined my paint too. Smelt like some Asian food too. I'm sure that didn't help my paint... I'm gonna find those fuckers and shit in their mouth.