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Overall I liked it. It had a good feeling to it and it definitely reflected that quiet, calm atmosphere of the woods around that time.
I don't know if having "autumn" in the name is exactly appropriate. While it may have been that time of year, the video doesn't exactly reflect autumn to me. Granted, my interpretation of the word autumn is completely my own, but IMO an autumn video has warmer colors. This seemed more moist, more about growth. The forest seemed lush. It honestly looked like April, not autumn. Just my two cents on that.
I really enjoyed your camera work, most of it was pretty on point. I almost wish you'd started the video with a wide, nonmoving shot to set the scene.
From there it moved nicely, although upon watching it a second/third time it was apparent that the fern in the second shot is visible on the right of the frame of the first shot. Gotcha :)
Loved the movement at :22 - :27, especially the second shot. The two flowed wonderfully into each other due to the similar direction and movement of the shots. Great job on this, the second of these two shots is my favorite in the whole video.
I wish the plant in the shot at :30 was a little off center. I think it would have broken up the frame more appealingly. Of course I don't know what else surrounds the plant (I wasn't there!), so maybe it would ruin the shot, who knows? I do think that it was a great way to introduce the biker. You start with a forest, still and calm, and introduce a momentary disturbance. That's all the biker is. You capture that so well.
I like that the biker isn't the focus of the second biker shot. You're still introducing him, so it works well. That being said, I didn't find the subject that appealing (with the subject being those vertical thingys). I just don't know/can't tell what they are!
Five (or so) still shots of the biker got repetitive. Throw in a pan, a focus pull, something, anything to break up those shots. It definitely got old.
I didn't like the fade to black in the middle of the video. For me, fades to black typically serve to chop up and segment a video and I don't think that's what you should be going for there. Something smoother, maybe a crossfade, speed up/time manipulation, even a film burn, would fit better.
As much as I liked how you started the video I didn't like how you ended it. The lack of the biker caught me off guard. In addition, I didn't like the pan/zoom of the first non-biker shot, and the fern in the second ending shot is obviously (or at least seemed) the same fern as shown earlier, which I had not forgotten. I think you could have had a stronger ending to tie it all together.
I liked the colors, but like I said earlier, the greens tend towards April, not autumn.
Good work. It wasn't the average biking edit and even though the biker wasn't going nuts/extreme, you made good work of it. Note: the length of the video (i.e. short) worked in your favor here. Watching much more of non-extreme biking wouldn't have been as interesting.