Video has 387 dislikes for example
"Mom, were gonna need a gun and 387 bullets."
When video has one dislike, or very few dislikes
"Pardon the dislike guys, that guy lives in Australia and was simply trying to click the thumbs up."
"The dislike bar is like (choose either Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber)'s penis, its small and it shouldn't be there."
On dubstep videos.
"Boy - Do you like dubstep?
Girl - Yes.
Boy - Do you like sex?
Girl - Yeah.
Boy - Wanna have sex while listening to dubstep?
Girl - Sure
Officer - So you're saying she just exploded...?
Boy - Yes"
"Before the drop I was eating bread, now I'm eating toast."
"Automatic replay button 0:00"
"Oh wow, looks like my neighbors enjoyed this song so much they invited the police to listen!"
"My wife said she was leaving if I didn't stop listening to this song... needless to say I'm single now."