-Not really looking for trades (xxl NS jacket, seersucka / microknit / possibly chambreezy preferred if trading)
-Buyer pays shipping (~$10 per item I would say). lower 48 preferred
-Paypal preferred, but I wouldn't deny cash / check
-I'm not so good at putting prices on items. If I don't put a price, I'll go by offers on it.
First up,
+XL Saga Bluegoo Vest (38.5" zipper) |$75|
--Only worn a handful of times, excellent condition. I would give it a 9/10, as you can see in the one picture the pocket came unstitched a bit on a fall, and there are a few rail stains that aren't terrible, would probably come out in the wash. I can sew up that spot real easily if need be. big`nsteezy.
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+XXL Under Armour Scramjet (34" zipper) |$125|
--Bought this last spring on an impulse. Super sick jacket, tons of amenities (outside music pocket, magnetic pockets / zipper cover, pit zips, loads of pockets, removable hood, 10k/10k, hobo cuffs, insulated. Very big and warm jacket. This has the old school steeze going, tall and BIG. You can cinch it up real nice down bottom. Few minor rail stains. 9.5/10
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+XXL Cross Jon Olsson Suit |$300|
--The main attraction! I bet you haven't seen anyone else on the hill with this bad boy. Not gonna lie, it's not in the best shape. I'll give the jacket a 7.5/10 and the pants a 5/10. The sleeves of the jacket are ruffed up a bit and there are a few rail stains, one tiny tear under one arm. Zipper length is 34". The pants are janky haha. Cuffs are pretty bad (don't blame me! I got it like this), the knees are pretty thin, these pants have definitely seen better days. I'm sure with a rewater-proofing run through the washing machine ($10 at any outdoor store) will put these back in business for a decent amount of time. The insides of the right leg is really pilled up from the velcro on my knee brace :/ but you probably won't really notice it. Did I mention these pants are massive? Biggest pants I have ever worn, even seen! It's unbelievable. I think I measured the waste out to 44" last time I checked. I would really really prefer to keep this as a suit, but offer up separately if you desire. Shipping will be a couple more bucks for the full suit.
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+Large Orage Jam Tweed |offer|
--I know some of you out there are excited about these. They may be a size large, but woah, they are giant, almost as big as the cross pants. My most favorite pair of pants, which is why I am saying to offer up because I don't know how much to price these at, probably not going to let them go for under $100. Superb condition, these are very thick and durable pants. There are a few cuts around the lower leg, and there is a rip in the boot gator on one leg, I have both pictured. These pants are 10k/10k, still waterproof, plenty of life left in them. Same thing as on the Saga vest, one of the pockets has come unstitched a little bit and I may be able to sew it back up but it would be tough.
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+Large Orage Brody |$75|
--Smallest item in the lot, but don't get me wrong they are still decently size for a large! You may know these as the D. Talkington pants from a year or so back. Cuffs are in excellent shape, biggest slice is pictured. Not too much torn up than what you see. 10k/10k, plenty of life still in them, still waterproof. 8/10
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Thanks NS!