no worries, I got you. here are some techniques that can help you get the full sound you want:
First, you should layer your snare pattern. Having 3 different layers of snares running at the same time will give you the fuller feel that you've been wanting. Each snare should have 3 layers: high frequency, mid frequency, and the low frequency. (choose one hi, one mid, and one low snare sound that are all in the same key and give the feel that you want).
You can layer your other drum sounds if you like, but your snare is really the most crucial to layer.
Next, Once your drum pattern is set in stone for the most part, you can freeze all your individual drum tracks into their own audio tracks. This is a bitch and a half but is extremely worth it, and it saves CPU usage. There's a few steps to doing this:
-Create a new Audio track (Command+T) for every Drum sound you have and rename them accordingly
-Duplicate your drum machine. Click on the track where it says "Impulse" or "Drum Rack" and hit Command+D.
-Now go to the part of the new drum rack/impulse where the individual sounds are dragged into the machine (not the pattern part, the machine part).
-Delete every drum sound except the one you want to convert to audio, don't worry about the pattern.
-Right Click and use the "freeze Track" option. When the track is frozen, drag the track into its specified audio track.
-Delete the 2nd drum machine, and repeat this process until all your drums are on their own audio tracks.
Now that you have your drums on audio tracks, the sound will be much cleaner and when you put effects/EQ or any sort of processing it will go directly onto the audio channel rather than thru the drum rack channel and then onto the audio.
Now, Pan your snare sounds the way you want. Keep the mid frequency snare sound in the center, and pan the low/mid sound all the way to the right or left depending on what you want (just make sure to pan them to opposite sides). Never keep all your snares all in the center.
If you want, you can also try duplicate your hi hat audio track, and cut out the lows on one of them, cut out the highs on the other through the "EQ Three" tool and pan them to the right/left.
I personally also like to use the Waves Maserati Drum Plugins on all my drum tracks to make them sound pro as fuck.
Lemme know if you need help understanding this technique.