i personally dont have any problem with gay marriage. BUT i can see the arguments for both sides, and since the side for gay marriage has been made pretty damn obvious in this thread ill argue the side that instantly gets you insulted if you even touch it.
for A LOT of people, marriage is and always has been between a man and a woman. whether its a religious thing, cultural, family, whatever. their personal beliefs differ from yours, and their belief is that marriage is between a man and a woman. and to a lot of people, its a very very serious and sacred thing. so for someone who lives in a culture and be raised by a family who so firmly believes in marriage being between a man and a woman, to see people going so against their definition of marriage, who's to blame them for being against it?
for those people, their reasoning may not be and certainly doesnt have to be homophobic, it may not have anything to do at all with what they think of homosexuality. its just that marriage to them is and should be between a man and a woman and they want it to stay that way.
just like you guys have your strong opinion that marriage is just the union between two people, whatever sex, that are in love. its just differing opinions, and because one has the ability to be tied to homophobia, its much easier for people to blindly bash the fuck out of it.
Like i said, I got nothing against gay marriage, i think it should be legal. im not extremely firm on my belief because ive never really had any strong beliefs about marriage myself. but I see a shit ton of extremely ignorant, blind, bashing and insulting going on, just because some people have different views. I swear the people that bash racists, and homophobes and anybody that has a fucking opinion, are getting worse and more blind/irrational than the racists, and other ists they hate on. anytime someone has an opinion that differs from theirs its like all their ability to think just goes out the window.