I just want to tell you that you hit the fucking question jackpot. You win.
Reminded me of this thread that another forum I'm on raided. People were talking about how they were showering and they fell, not like fallen and can't get up'd but sinned against god. Shit was funny.
I'll give you the advice that some of those kids used.
"I know how you feel, and the problem is that in the shower you have to clean your penis, so it's tempting. You could print out a pic of Jesus from the internet, laminate it and stick it on the shower wall, and just focus on it for all of your shower; it works for some people!"
"I have been stuggling with masturbation for about.. well i started in Gr 3, but i decided to stop about 3 months ago and i stoped for the Lord. I knew it would not be easy, the longest i had ever gone sinse grade 3 was only 7 days. I am now at the age of 17. however, it was a suggle, i had gone a week, then id give it. I got to 12 days a few times, then gave in. It was brutle. I have successfully made it to day, well today is day 28 or so for me. I have felt as if i grew in faith even. This is something not easy to over come. alot of my friends , or even in this thread people say its soo hard, its so hard. well, i was also addicted to porn, and internet chat rooms. That was hard, and still is a stuggle, but its something that God will give you strength for, becuase you are doing it for him right? Trust me, if you do it for God, he will for sure help you out. The first 5 days are the hardest, then it becomes easier.
there is a sermon i know of that goes well with this post. Make your spiritual little man bigger, and let him make your decisions other then letting your body make your decisions.. Example, You tell your self your going to wake up for Church on sunday, but your body says lets stay in this nice warm bed. If your body wins, you stay home, If your spiritual little man wins, you end up going to church.. Same with being to tired to read your Bible. Just dont let your body choose what you want to do.. Make your spiritual man as big as a 900 LB parrot... he wont be saying, pauly want cracker... he going to say PAULY WANT CRACKER NNNOOOWW!!!.. So its brain food. Let your spiritual life make your choises, and let God help.. God can make a human being, im sure he can help you with your "playing with your self" 'ness. "
Fuck it just read this thread
You might not get all the phish jokes but it's still one of the funniest things.Im having toruble getting to the thread on the forum. It might have gotten overhauled. Haven't been on it in a couple years. Got banned for posting in that thread.
- with all the love and sincerity in my heart
"Not many of you know but I struggle as do many. My problem is that I am in a relaps. I was clean for over 2 months and then I messed up one night and it's started all over again. It took a long time for me to reach that point the first time and I try and try but still mess up. I've taken every precation I can think of but the problem is that I mess up in the shower. And I must shower cause I refuse to stink. I really need prayer and help w/ this cause I will unintenionally become aroused when washing off and then all of a sudden I will fall. Like just now, I was falling and then I stopped, thought of a Bible Verse and then went back to it. I mean I really hesitated after thinking of the verse, but it wasn't enough. I'm so assamed cause I KNEW what I was doing and continude EVER THOUGH the Lord gave me an out! I am such an idoit and I really can't stand to look at myself in the mirror. I just hate the fact that I feel bad after falling but I still go ahead and do it again."
"I messed up this morning. Please pray for me."
"Here is what im doing...
Im trying to go for one year w/o it and if i screw up i gotta give $100 to the church the week after i mess up, but if i succeed then at the end of the year i will give $100 anyway, because God helped me over come my problem"
"this is day 3 for me, i kept messing up every couple days but God's helped me stay busy and out of the sin of masturbation. pray for me plz, i pray for u guys often!"
"today in the shower i was washing and...well....BAM it hit me....so i cut the water on cold as an incentive to get out quick and i started humming in my head while praying and thinking about elephants and i got out the shower shivvering and this...solved my "hard" delemia i was in. *note to satan....YOU SUCK! u were close but u dont get no flippin cigar!!!!* and thus...the purity lives on. bryan is going down..."
Take that satan!
"Hey, This is my first post on christian forums. I think this is awsome how a guy can just post and get encouraged rather then put down or made fun of. Anyway ya I stuggle with masturbation. Me and a couple of my friends try to help one another as much as we can. One of my friends has gone almost 3 weeks without messing up. "
"It is day 19. It has been a long time since that has happened. A little competition really does help. Tim is going down and the 5 bucks is mine. Thank the Lord for friends and strength. Ill be prayin for all of you. Hope you do the same for me."
"Me and one of my Christian friends have a 5$ bet that the first one to masturbate loses. So I am hoping to go atleast a month. I know this guy could probably go without doing it for months so this is going to be a very hard challenge. Please pray for me during this very hard time."
"I've been doing pretty well in freeing myself from pornography of any kind. But over the last few days I have been tempted more than usual. I have not given in, but it really reminded of how far I still have to go. Just a few days ago a new Spring JCPenney Clothing Catalog showed up. It probably showed up at many of your houses too (but don't let it tempt you!). Anyways this quarterly catalog has been the backbone of my temptation and past sins (As you can see in my previous posts). It really is and has been the largest temptation for me."
"I SING!!!! or try to. God says make a joyfull noise and, well, im making alot of noise and happy. my cats are but...
nothing beats singing in the shower man! and if you get the right volume the water blocks out your singing so others outside cant hear [which pleases everyone with my voice!!!]
think about it. try sinning while singing "oh the wonderful cross"*. ok. never mind. dont try sinning. but when temptation comes sing that song. and think about what those lyrics mean. think about the power thats behind them. dont focas on words, your voice, wiether you say the wrong verse or repeat it 3 times. just think about the meaning. think about what your really singing!!!'
*or song of choice. just one that has deep meaning to you...i like "these thousand hills" and "God of wonders" myself aswell...doesnt even have to be one sung in church [although i think its best...]
Michael-W-Smith - The Wonderful Cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown
Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find
That I may truly live
Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
All who gather here
By grace draw near
And bless your name
Were the whole relem of nature mine
That were and off'ring far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all
Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find
That I may truly live
Oh the wonderful cross
Oh the wonderful cross
All who gather here
By grace draw near
And bless your name"