The QR plate that usually would screw onto the baseplate of the Glidecam, doesn't have a thread hole.
I was wondering if any of you knew how to make drill one in or possibly add another piece of metal with one already drilled in?
Here's some pictures to explain:
QR Baseplate (Bottom):

Screw in thread from Glidecam (3mm Screw):

Side angle of QR Baseplate (Arrows pointing to thickest point of plate)(3mm Thick):

1st Idea:
Initially I thought maybe I could just drill threaded hole into the QR Baseplate, but I'm not sure if that would be stable because I'd only be able to drill in about 2.5 mm and that doesn't seem safe for a Glidecam Baseplate to QR Baseplate holding a $1000> camera setup. If this does end up being my only option, what type of drill bit do I need to put a threaded hole in?
I know this is a bit confusing, but I've never been very good at hands on stuff, and I figure nows good as any a time to start.