im moving. and im out!
it's been internet-real. some of you hate me, some love me, most don't even know me. but it's been fun, this site has been getting better and better every year. my post have been getting progressively worse, not that they were great to begin with. to the man that wasted my summer days so easily, thanks harvey. to the new owners, keep it 'old school'. and by the way, i changed my mind; when you run my ad in freeze, you guys are gonna have to hook me up with a sticker.
what im trying to say is, keep skiing, progress our sport, and don't let fuck heads take our sport's spotlight!
ps: fuck the forum police. Melvs you bastard! (i love you christopher macmahoooOOOON)
these are the very first pictures i ever took when i was on
drunk as shit...
...and then there was buds!
**Proud member of the d-loc fanclub**
d-loc's wit & wisdom at its best.