ThrashIt may sound funny, but I'm most likely going into law enforcement after I graduate from college. If I'm up front about my recreational use in the past it won't affect the chances of receiving the job on the force, but I feel the second I announce that I had my MMJ card it will completely change the situation. Until it's viewed legal at a Federal level, I don't think I'll get one.
Bruh I've been skeptical on getting a card myself for professional reasons but I'll never go law enforcement. Anyways, one of my homies was in there like swimwear boutta be a highway patrol officer. He was honest and upfront about being around some tree smoke at a wedding. He doesn't even burn!!! They cancelled him like the iron man competition. DONT TELL EM SHIT!!!!!!! Maybe it is different if you want to be a police officer but that is my true story take it as you want.