Replying to How to Know if You Are Stupid
A few years back I went to a Mensa test in Sweden, just for fun, but still nervous. Why? Because I had done many IQ tests on the Internet previously, put up by Finnish Mensa or other Scientific magazines and journals, always coming up quite short in the tests, averaging at around 110 - something I felt that I was "not as dumb as that number"!
But what is a number? When I took the test for real in Sweden in 2010, in my mind still for fun with a slight feel for excitement and no real needs for results, I thought it went okay. I was awarded with the results of 132 on the Stanford-Binet scale, barring me entry to the Swedish Mensa - the limit was 133, so I still felt like I was close. In Finland, with that score on the same scale I would have gotten in, and not felt dumb as people on this site kept calling me. But what did that accomplish?
Am I now smarter than many other people? In Finland, the lmit is 131 - I could be a member of Mensa if results transfered over, but the test is not the same. What if I failed horribly? Got the goosebumps, the sweats, was unable to complete the questionnaire again in the allotted time?
I could be deemed as an idiot, a fool, no matter my past performance in schools, academia, foreign universities, the language of arts - I could be deemed as a normal person of intelligence, or even lower than that.
I have not yet taken the test in Finland - it's a one-off-deal. You make it or you don't, and I'm feeling too self-conscious at the moment to actually go through with it with no remorse. Some might say it's just a test, but when you take it, you adhere yourself to a set of standards, standards of thought and logic. I don't really think of myself as a very logical man when it comes to "certainties", or skills in universal math, and the test I completed in Sweden in 2010 was a very illogical one, mostly about images (forms) which fit together in a line (what comes next)?
I know that I'm not stupid, or dumb, at least in many ways that modern society tries to quantify intelligence with. I'm just not sure if I should take the test again or not.
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