"Well it was designed to be a reward for those who did their homework on time...."
Math teacher gives us super difficult quiz. I get a 45 on it (yeah, a 45 out of 100). She assigns homework that night. We have a test coming up on the same stuff the quiz was on. I FLIP OUT that night worried about the test since i did so poorly on the quiz, and do every single odd question in our math book in the chapter (odd questions have answers in the back so i can check mine). I come into class the next day, turns out I forgot to do the actual homework she assigned, it's the first time I haven't done homework all year. She then proceeds to tell us that everyone who did their homework can completely drop the quiz grade if they did poorly, or, once again if you did your homework, you could correct your quiz to get bonus points.
All i hear is "correct your quiz". I correct my quiz that night and do the homework that was due the previous day, hand in both the next day (the homework is now one day overdue, the corrections are on time). She hands the corrections back saying I can't take this because your homework is late so you have to take the grade you got, even though I showed her that I did 50+ problems for practice the night I missed the homework assignment. Thats the only graded assignment thus far in the term, so my math average right now is a 45. Fuck you Ms. Beason.