agreed, kids are pussies. i cant wait till im a parent, and refuse to buy my kid a helmet and knee pads when he learns to bike. ill physically hurt him when he fucks up. ill let him go wander around the neighborhood getting into trouble, injuring himself, doing stupid things etc. just like humans have been doing for thousands of years. and he;s gonna be the shit and kick all the new age pussy kids asses.
kids pussification these days, combined with being sheltered like crazy, and all this anti bullying bullshit, has done nothing to make our kids safer, just make them loosers.
we need to let kids bully each other, i was bullied in elementary school, it drove me to man up and now i can look at those kids that bullied me and laugh at their pathetic, peaked in highschool, even peaked in JH lives. now if a kid gets made fun of for being a pussy, talking weird, whatever it is, and an adult instantly stops it. that kid grows up the first like 12 years of his life being told its ok to be a pussy, you're a winner even though you suck. then when they start to get hints of freedom in JH, and get bullied for the first time without an adult around to stop it, they are mentally fucked and cant handle it, it gets to them extremely deep because they cant handle it. then they fucking kill themselves. shit, a girl near me killed herself over a text message, how pathetic.
so now instead of fighting, kids just go hang themselves to solve their problems. not only that but the ones that survive are growing up into these self entitled, the world needs to wipe my ass, pricks. you think we have a problem with "poor" people mooching off the system and mooching off the man now. wait 10 years, we are going to be fucked. just like the adam carolla video said. we are going from looking at the guy with the 2 million dollar house and saying "wow look at that guy, he worked his ass off and earned himself that lifestyle" to "does he need that house? im living in a trailer and that guys living in a mansion, what a prick. why doesnt he share that with us?" people will literally be afraid to succeed in life, for fear of being ridiculed and looked at as selfish. we are seeing it now, but its only gonna get worse, and looking at todays kids its going to be fucking horrible.