Replying to Abstinence Plus, sex ed.
Okay I'm a going to vote Republican in November but the one issue that I think the Dems have a way better opinion is with the abstinence plus sex ed program. If your not famiar I will explain. The republican ideology says that abstinence and only abstinence should be toaught to kids in abstinence but that safe sex alternatives should also be taught.. I think this is a much better idea since like 80% of kids have sex before they finish highschool. I just makes way more sense for kids to know how to prevent getting regnant or getting STD's than to just leave them in the dark because of some religious ideas. Like with Birthcontrol girls get on it but they are never told all the things that can screw it up. Like if you have stomach flu the hormones won't get into your system when yo utake the pill and you can get pregnant. Also like how many days you have to wait before you can have sex again after taking the pill late or missing a day. I has been shown that kids who learn about this stuff in school are less likely to get pregnant or get an STD. Also people who refrain from sex until marraige actually have higher rate of pregnancy and STD's because they aren't as well educated. So what do you all think/
I think rails in general are just a phase. - Anthony Boronowski
D-loc's picture looks like a monkey smoking that cig. If you had a mug like that would you really want everyone to see it.
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