Replying to How to determine what is (free) advertising and what is ok!
Well almost everybody on this website either has their own company, work for a company, or just like certain companies, and will often post something about that company that could be considered advertising. Because the mods and such are really cracking down on this whole free advertising thing, they're deleting posts that may not be intended to advertise anything and may contain info worthy of people seeing.
Without any real guidelines as to what is considered advertising we can't determine what you will delete and what you will let go, which is kinda frustrating for everybody.
This post is here to get the mods to 'lay down the law' and tell us exactly what they consider advertising.
I personally haven't had any problems with this happening to any of my posts, and i am not saying that people should advertise on this website without giving something back, it is just that it's a little wierd when a thread that seemed important and informative is there one day but gone the next...
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On my way to goddom no more!!!
I wish I were a fucking NS GOD!!
-+-+Davey And Waldo Go Drinking+-+-+Above All Magazine+-+-
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