I hate it when girls lie to you, esspecially when they are your girl friend, when they are all quiet and you ask them whats wrong, and they say nothing, and then later on they spill to you about all of this shit thats wrong in their lives and that they are not happy and fuck this man...i cant take it anymore, why in the hell cant they just tell you when something is wrong? Wouldnt it just be easier then making a big fucking deal about it? If i did something wrong then why the hell dont you tell me i did something wrong and then that would be the end of it? Or if your not happy with me or its not working out...then why the fuck cant you just say it, and then thats the end of it? But no they have to fucking wait and act like nothing is wrong and just play around with you, and tell all of their friends that they are not happy, so then you are the only person the world, that doesnt fucking know...i hate it. Sorry i just had to vent on this, comment or not i dont give a shit.
I wont ever tell you that your not good enough or that its not wokring out, it wont ever tell you that you were better off being a friend, it wont ever just leave you in the dark, and it wont ever do anything that you dont like.