Shitty Sparknotes: 1) humans are not in the natural flow of evolution and anthropologists try to cover this up with bs.2) There is NO suitable evolutionary connection between us and pre-humans. 3) Hominoids still exist on Earth in the inhospitable and dark dense areas of jungles and forests( we know them as yetis, sasquatches, Agogwe and Alma). Annunaki(aliens) came to Earth for gold to fix their atmosphere(gold is an excellent reflective material) and wanted slaves so they made a hybrid species with terrestrial primates and themselves( a lesser being than themselves ) through genetic engineering. Fuck there's too much information to even continue trying to explain this convincingly alone; basically watch the video and be mindfucked.
Even if the more outrageous ideas expressed in the lecture like the intervention theory are proved wrong or are too difficult to believe, his argument about humans NOT fitting into the natural transitions of life on Earth is unequivocal. Our existence on this Earth does not fit into Darwin's Evolutionary Theory.
Lloyd Pye's website(loads of fascinating stuff):
Do me a favour and don't attempt to troll or piss all over this until you've actually watched the video. Have an open mind.