On a mushroom trip try to avoid logic involved decisions.
Example: After experimenting with smaller amounts of boomers, some friends and I decided to get lost, we had a problem because we took a bus into town to walk around on a nice spring day. All was great until we wanted to get home. None of us could figure how to read a clock! lol. lead to some confusion but we decided to hitch-hike home. Luckily ski communities have a lot of chill folks, a guy and his 100lb black lab picked us up and didn't seem to mind our observations "the trees are flowing like the seas" and such.
Time of day is important too. Around 3 is good cause you can explore during the day and end your trip in the evening chillin' watching sunset/stars. Your goofy behavior will look more innocent during the day/early evening.
Have fun! It's been a while since I got lost, I like to munch a bit at a show or a night out for a different vibe.