My friends believe that working out EVERY day of the week is healthier and better for the body than working out 3-4 times a week. In this context, we will define the "workout" to be roughly 1 hour of solid, intense workout. I think it's better for the body to have days off from working out, wherein the muscles can rest. Anyway, we argued about it, and then when I began doing another set of push-ups, they proceeded to sit on my back and also drop medicine balls on my back. Fucking morons.
My friends also think that stretching doesn't help in anything whatsoever. They're actually fucking retarded.
Oh, and they think that skiing sucks.
Should I get new friends? I'm thinking sooo..
And, what's better; 3-4 days of working out per week or 7 solid days of working out?
sparknotes - my friends are fucking morons, and read the two questions above.