alright to everyone saying its a black widow, im pretty positive its not.
a black widow looks like fucking THIS
google that shit. theres many clues in the pic that tell you its not what you have. also black widows are freakin small, they dont get big at all.
To OP it's not a Hobo spider youd be fucked. Period :P and yeah its prolly a Wolf spider. I used to have em in my old house as well (which was also brand new when we moved in, maybe its something about new houses?...) although yours (the spiders) seem to be a bit bigger than mine but on a few occasions i did see a couple of those biggercocksuckers. Also i noticed they have a hard time climbing shit. By that i mean it can climb up stairs n shit (like straight up wall of carpet) but its fucked if it needs to escape vertically via a normal painted wall. lol when i discovered this it made me feel 100 times safer in bed. :P Getting totally rid of em took about 3 years. Every time i would see one id call red alert, hunt it down, and kill it with a minihockey stick. Someone Else mentioned there seasonal and i totally agree with that. They seemed to come in waves. My basement was like a long term game of tower defence lol. I was never bit by one of em (at least i dont think) they are pussies but they freaked the fuck out of em. After about a year of killing em every time i saw one, their numbers started to dwindle down significantly to the point where id only find one every month or so and that lasted for the remainder of the 2 years. I lived in my house a total of 4 years and the last year and a half id say that i didn't see a single one.
hopefully this helps :P...sorry for any spelling im not re-reading this shit.