i went on a date last night, the girl, named rachel, was really nice, and we kissed afterwards when i dropped her off. then today i called this girl, named renee, taht i was on and off with, i still like her, and we got together tonight and well, i ended up kissing her goodbye too. i have feeligns for renee, but not really rachel. it was a first date so it was nothing really big, but i was talking to one of rachels friends and she said she NEVER kisses on first date, so she must of really liked me. yet i dont really like her as much and i just want her to go away, but i dont want to hurt her feelings, shes a really nice girl. all my feelings came back for renee, and i want them to stay. i dont know waht to do, i think i screwed up and rachel and her friends are all gonna hate me.
i just had to vent, sorry
Fairygirl: Why must you be so damn good looking? Why?? lol
nipe: Thats right Diabhal, because we're skiers