Post up videos of your favorite pros killing it, pics of some sick spots in your town, or videos of you landing a new trick, ask about tricks, give advice on tricks, discuss/review skates, and discuss the latest news in the world of aggressive skating!
Eventually, we could even use this thread for buying, selling, and trading parts or full skates.
First off, what are your thoughts on the beginning of powerblading? Kizer has just brought the concept into play in the aggressive rollerblading game with their new frames able to hold 4 80mm wheels while still allowing soul and negative plate grinds. Check the fourth and fifth edit for some powerblading shots.
Second, there is a lot of good advice on what type of skates suit you in this thread, as well as where to buy full skates/parts,(, all courtesy of a_pla5tic_bag
And lastly, here are some of my favorite edits at the moment -
First off is a purely powerblading/skitching edit, makes me wish i lived in Barcelona

and this extremely innovative powerblading guy