holy shit.
never said i cracked the case, just saying that this thread is the same thing that is happening in the media, portraying things with a bias.
people die every day, what does it matter what their race is? it doesnt! people do not deserve to be murdered, but it happens. here on the news a black man shot a hispanic man why isnt that getting national attention and outrage by the latino community?
i have not reported a single thing in this thread, only copy and pasted a link that i saw. I am not going to make my opinions like many are, on that Zimmerman should be killed and he is guilty. why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO PROOF!!!!
the only thing that is known right now is that a young man is dead, whether he was doing anything wrong, or if he was an innocent kid like you are all saying, is not up for us to decide and since what anyone on this site says has no value I will not put my personal opinion on what i think happened that night, since i only know what has been portrayed in the media and we all know how that can be biased.
this thread disgusts me because it is doing the same thing the media is doing, portraying one side of the story.