First off
-Im 6'4
-220 lbs (not lanky, not fat)
-My current powder skis are 179cm 2008/09 Obsethed
(these: )
Anyway, Im considering selling the Obesetheds and getting some 182cm Moment PB&Js. The 188 is not available and I could get them for far below retail. Im hesitant to do this because I feel like the 182 might be a little bit small, but its tempting because the price is so good and I had such an awesome time demoing them.Id use the PB&Js for my everyday PNW ski and by replacing my obsetheds theyd also become my default"powder" ski.
So my question is, would it be reasonable to replace my obsethds with the PB&Js considering the length/width/ and rocker profiles of each?
Here are some links that have detailed photos of the profiles and such of each.
Seth- (I know these are the ones that came out the next year, but the build is unchanged)
and if your to lazy...
Recommendations of similar other skis (not crazy fat, versatile all mountain skis) are encouraged also! Im already aware of the jefferys, but they are out of my price range.