like going to war?
No problem there. A brutal dictator that killed 300,000 to 3 million of his own people, raped women, imprisoned children, and tortured citizens is now out of office. I don't have a problem with that at all.
May the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice RIP.
depleating jobs?
How much did it cost you to buy that spin put on by John Kerry? Want the truth about the jobs? Check out
Spinsanity, a truly non-biased website that calls out both Bush and Kerry.
Bush inherited a receding economy throw in 9/11, and of course you are going to have depleting jobs. However 2003 is factually one of the best economic growth years our nation has ever had. Since October of '02 the DOW has increased by 3000 points and we have seen nothing but more jobs added. So what depleting jobs do you speak of?
increase in taxes?
Why increase taxes? I say lower them even more. D-Loc, when you are on welfare I don't want to be one of the Americans paying your bills.
Bush Tax Cuts
increase in inflation?
Inflation has shown an annual average increase of 3% over the course of our nation's history. Some years the increase has been 12%, while others it has increased by next to nothing.
Screw social security. It takes money out of my paycheck and it won't even exist (at this rate) by the time I would be eligible for it. Besides, I have a brain, I can plan for my own retirement. The best plan on SS? Bush's. Semi-privatize SS and allow people to invest in the market.
medical benefits?
Stop frivilous lawsuits, unnecessary operations performed by greed inspired doctors, and false claims and our rates would be lower. As long as we don't socialize our health care system we will be fine. Why not socialize it? Look at Canada and Sweden and you will see two socialized health care systems rapidly declining with costs rapidly increasing
your future?
Better than yours D-Loc
Getting it Right In America
Right In America
'Except For Ending Slavery, Facism, Nazism, and Communism War Has Never Solved Anything'
Protest Warrior
Sick of Michael Moore's lies?
Bush/Cheney '04