I can't believe you missed the point on my hate towards that ESPN article so much. Really?
I mean I could give two shits if we're the SECOND (because I got it wrong in my first post) best humor site on the internet for skiing. What pissed me off was that they gave no recognition to COMMUNITY sites - I clearly stated both TGR and EpicSki as well. Sure NS fits into that, and its my area of expertise, but I 100% was mad about the community aspect more than anything else.
Its about journalistic integrity. Site like ESPN claims to be a major media source, employing solid journalists, and they come up with shoddy facts like missing the most major segment of websites in an entire sport when judging websites in an entire sport? Laughable.
Me supporting these boys in this endeavour as well has nothing to do with the opinion of Newschoolers. If you just got on the site in the last 6 months you might think that, but if you've been here for longer I've been pretty dormant over the last two or so years. I've been in the background dealing with the business of NS, and most importantly letting the community speak their mind.
We've always been about listening to the community, and we've always been about letting the community's opinion guide us. On this point its no different - I'm not locking this thread, I'm not closing it down, and I'm not pulling any industry tricks... I'm just stating my opinion on the matter. My opinion is mine, and the beauty of Newschoolers is it doesn't influence anyone else. Sure you could argue that some people listen to me, but usually that is because I make well-researched and generally well-thought out points.
The absolute best part of Newschoolers is no one person can ever have the only opinion. Its one long endless debate about who is right, and that is the absolute best part of it.
Please get it right though, I was merely discussing on TGR stating the same opinion here and arguing with facts. Unofficial I was just trolling because the comments there are probably the most childish place I've ever encountered on the internet.
I like a good debate about something. I believe in certain things, and I stand for them. Just like you do. What is really fucking rad is that we have a place like this where we can voice those opinions and duke it out. Much better than the old days where a company could pitch the same image, buy a print ad in a magazine that was a bunch of filter papers and not have anyone say anything.
Newschoolers is the best place in the world because the people in an industry truly have an opinion.
I'm deeply saddened that you would try to make a post accosting me for sharing my beliefs, even if they may be counter to popular opinion, or even the opinion of our business. Believe me, supporting this is not a safe business move.
How could you possibly sit there from your chair and berate me for giving a god honest opinion of the situation, and engaging in real conversation with real people who ski?
I also will finally say, if its such a joke, please leave. PLEASE. We're doing just fine here at Newschoolers, and we don't need people that hate it. If it sucks, there are many other totally awesome places on the internet to go.