Replying to internet threats
Hahaha never leave your aim on at an Internet Cafe.
ShadeRonin: who is this
freeskiam: you can build a thousand bridges, but suck one cock and you'll be known as a cocksucker, not a bridge builder.
ShadeRonin: who is this
freeskiam: im the one who fucked with your aim huh
ShadeRonin: who is this
ShadeRonin: tell me
freeskiam: your name is Sam and you have a friend named Matt who is fucked up
freeskiam: or something like that
ShadeRonin: who is this
freeskiam: yourmom
ShadeRonin: fuck u
freeskiam: am i righta bout you
freeskiam: you go to Adrenaline Zone sometimes
freeskiam: your 14 or 13
freeskiam: and your name is sam
ShadeRonin: who is this
ShadeRonin: whats your name
freeskiam: ill give u some hints
freeskiam: dont worry ur not gona 'fuck me up' cause im older than you and ill rape u
freeskiam: ever heard of KOS
ShadeRonin: bno bitch
ShadeRonin: just tell me who u are
freeskiam: you play cs huh
ShadeRonin: just tell me who u r
freeskiam: tell me first ho
freeskiam: then ill tell u
freeskiam: u have my word
ShadeRonin: sam
freeskiam: you heard of Monopolize
ShadeRonin: no
freeskiam: fag
ShadeRonin: tell me who u r
freeskiam: my name starts with an A and ends with N
ShadeRonin: i dont know
ShadeRonin: allen
ShadeRonin: who is this
freeskiam: nope
ShadeRonin: tell me
freeskiam: how come u wana know
ShadeRonin: cause i wanna
freeskiam: give me a good reason then maybe
ShadeRonin: cause u fucked with my sn
freeskiam: and why did i do that?
freeskiam: cause you left it on.
ShadeRonin: cause your a fag
freeskiam: dont be retarded and leave it on
freeskiam: no im a nice guy
freeskiam: i could of fucked ur WHOLE list
freeskiam: but ididnt
ShadeRonin: really than tell me
freeskiam: and i found out your a pussy ass kid who has no life
freeskiam: i talked to some girl on ur list
freeskiam: have her #
freeskiam: shes like 'whoa ur actually talking to me'. So now im gona meet her and fuck her.
ShadeRonin: u know what iom gonna do
freeskiam: whats that
freeskiam: let me guess
freeskiam: ur gona get my ip
freeskiam: and kill me or something
freeskiam: awesome
freeskiam: ill be waiting
ShadeRonin: im goin to find out who u r come to your house kill you in your sleep and leave u there bleeding from your neck
ShadeRonin: im glad your waiting
ShadeRonin: it will be fun
ShadeRonin: cause i dont care how old u are
ShadeRonin: im coming and i will find u
ShadeRonin: i hope youll be waiting
ShadeRonin signed off at 9:08:19 PM.
Park Life
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