This ain't a trolling thread.
I'm really mad because the everyone doesn;t even know what Ron Paul is really for and only goes off of what the main stream media is telling them. My family is huge on supporting Ron Paul because he has common sense. He predicte the econnomic downturn back in 2000 before it even happened. He knows how to fix it. Ron Paul wants to get rid of the two party system(republican & democrats) because nothing will ever be accomplished witht the two parties fighting each other. He also wants to get americans out of other countries that didn't invite us there. Take Iraq for instance. Last time we were ivited into the country to help was in Desert Storm. They don't want us there anymore, but we still have military bases all over the place. We still have tons of military bases in other countries that don't want us there. We are under threat of terrorism because the military bases are there. You may argue that if we don't have the bases there and the country did dedicde to attack we'd be in trouble. No teh reason they are attacking is because of us being there. also if we weren't in other countries, we wouldn't have to spend tax payers dollars on fightinf in a war. This would lower the 14 trillion dollar plus deficit. Ron Paul also wants to stop taking jobs over seas and stop importing products such as oil. Back in January and February Canada oil comparies wanted to build an oil line across the border into america. Obama said no. That would drop oil prices so far and start to bring america back so fast, but no. Because of Obama's stupidity, Canada is now going to build relationships in the oil trade with China. What?! Mitt Romney is the favored republican canidate for the republican party and teh main stream media. Here's a little fact for you. Mitt Romney is being funded by large corporations and banks. Billions of dollars in fact. Who is he going to owe when he gets into office? Large corporations and banks. Rick santorum is also being funde by large banks and he wants to do things that would screw america so fast we'd be in a nuclear war with Iran's allies so fast that we wouldn't even see it coming. Speaking of Iran, they are building a nuclear bomb basically despitet them saying its for energy sources. even if they did succeed in building this bomb, they have no way to get it over here. They have no air force and no ties with any sort of naval force. These countries have already stated that if Ron Paul doesn't win there will be an increase in terroist attacks.
Now you tell me why is Ron Paul unelectable? Why do you say that his policies suck?
Common Sense isn't as Common as you think