Replying to 19 hour car ride. Help me screw with em.
So when im not skiing I play Ultimate Frisbee for my University. My team went to Georgia this past week for a big tournament. We just departed and have a 19 hour drive back to Rhode Island. Im in a eleven person van and need to fuck with the other guys. Any ideas?
If not i leave you this story. So monday night a friend of mine got quite hammered and decided to attend a party at another house down the street. I decided to stay behind and get some rest for the tournament. Our team woke up ready to go and had no idea where my friend was. We left without him assuming he would return to the house later. We get back and he tells us he woke up in the driver seat of an old Buick in the third story of a parking garage. He had no wallet or phone and it took him 3 1/2 hours to get back to the house. The day went on and we get a call from his phone. My friend arranges to pick up his belongings. The hotel manager that had his items said they were found in a random mercedes.
Hopefully you can get a LOL out of it.
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