My name is Faith Robinson, and I am a 20 year old, 2nd year History of Art student studying in the UK. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with some work for school.
I'm taking a module on curation, and as part of our assessment, we need to put forward a show proposal. I've decided to investigate the idea of that uncomfortable and difficult space between being at university studying for a creative degree, and settling into an arts-based career. I want to highlight how it might feel to be in that space, and to do so, I want to talk to people about to (potentially) find themselves in it, people who are in it and people who can reflect on having been there.
As I am a student myself, I am surrounded by Fine Art students who feel
anxious about leaving the security of their degree; I also know a handful of
kids older than me who are hanging around in this strange lacuna between 'uni' and
'work' wondering what the hell to do with themselves. I don't have direct access to people a little older who may have gone
through such an experience.
I'd love to hear from any of you who may be able to give a short paragraph on how the experience felt, if you've been there. Even better would be any artists investigating a similar idea within their practice.
I know this post may only apply to a few of you, but I'd love to hear what you think.