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Anyone experimented with TS lens?
Posts: 135
Karma: 16
Posts: 950
Karma: 641
IMO, I think 'Tilt Shift' lenses are ridiculously overpriced for the most part. I think the filters in MBL, work almost equally as well.
Obviously, there is a difference between having the true optical effect and doing it digitally, but for the most part, since it is such a specific lens...I think you are better off doing it in post.
Hope this helps.
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,514
TS fade came and went, its not that cool.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
Why does nobody associate tilt shift lenses with their actual purpose? This radio defocus crap isn't what they're designed for; if that's all you're after just ruin your footage in post.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,514
Because no one cares about how things are SUPPOSE to be used...
Posts: 504
Karma: 992
shot on the TSE-90 this summer for a week, super fun but I not about to buy one
Posts: 2832
Karma: 581
I'm pretty sure willstart got to use one in one of his edits, but if you just want the "toy/min" effect etc, either do it in post or use a lens baby. If you are doing legit architectural photography, then you may want to consider a real tilt shift lens
Posts: 3955
Karma: 3,192
yeah i did.
it was fun to play with for sure, but using them only for the miniature faking effect is definitely not worth spending the money on the lens imo.
if you're going to be using it for architecture photography and such, which is what they are intended for, then yes it would be worth it. otherwise, just do miniature faking in post. or just avoid it altogether, it's played.
Posts: 2342
Karma: 3,940
I don't think I'd ever buy one, but they're certainly fun to use and might be worth renting now and again for a shoot. Last time I used one it worked well for me as it was for an interview where the guy was doing a lot of forward and back head movements, which would have made it a pain if I had to constantly pull focus with a traditional lens. With the TS I was able to put him in a vertical plane where he could move forward and back as much as he wanted and would still be crispy. In my opinion it has it's uses outside of what it's 'meant' for, but I'll probably just stick to renting them when needed.
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