Well havn't used my xbox in ages and finally decided to get it set up. Went into Canmore and bought myself some battlefield 3 and some assassins creed revelations. Get home, my controlers broken fuck. So into Banff today and got myself a controler and a nice play and charge battery pack, come home, xbox doesn't read discs FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. So after debating whether to torch it run it over with car or jib it do death I decided first to goggle if it was fixable. WOOOO anyways guess you can take it apart and then cotton swab that little dirty whore of a laser and it should work. So I have the entire thing taken apart, hopefully didnt break anything doing so and now i need to clean it. I have cotton swabs but no rubbing alcohol. I have hydrogen peroxide I thinks and also have vodka and vinegar. I Don't wanna kill this thing but am contimplating killing bill gates if this doesn't work. Thanks a ton and plus k for any serious answers
Sparks note, cleaning xbox drive laser, don't have rubbing alcohol need substitute, have vodka hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar. Thanks plus k for respones