First Test Grade inCollege
Youwake up at the Colorado School of Mines, tired as hell, because you were upuntil 3 am studying your ass off for that physics test. The day runs bysmoothly, you walk to class and sit there thinking of the upcoming test; youfeel ready and think you understand the concepts of electricity andelectromagnetism. Getting out of class in the brisk morning sun, you look atthe mountains and sigh. Ah is it beautiful here in Golden in Colorado near themountains. Your school day finishes smoothly and you eat dinner at subwaybefore your dreaded test.
Walkingto Coolbaugh hall where you will take the test you see a squirrel fuckinganother squirrel. Now this happens often but you find it intriguing. They areslowly moving with each other and sometimes separate and seem to fight. It is astrange sight and seems like a weird way to mate. You soon snap out of it andmake your way to the physics exam all the while thinking of that idiot squirreland his sexual endeavors.
Takingyour physics exam you just feel like shit. Although it is only 17 multiplechoice questions with 2 free response questions and you have 1 hour and 45minutes to complete it, after the exam you still feel as if you did terrible.On your way home you prop yourself up and debate in your mind some problems, asyou slowly feel better about the exam thinking you may have pulled off an 85%.Going to bed that night you are worried but thinking about the curioussquirrels and their life as they roam the environment scavenging for food andoften living day-to-day eases your mind and allows you to fall asleep.
Thenext morning you get up and first thing check the dreaded lon-capa for yourphysics grade. It is not up yet and so you go to class worried and biting atyour nails. In physics studio you get your free response grade back and you arelike oh shit. You got a 13/20. Telling yourself that your multiple-choice gradewas better you move on and hope for the best. Finally getting home that nightyou check lon-capa once again and see you failed. A 59% on the exam, you arepissed, studying so hard for a test and yet failing, it just doesn’t happen.Finally the next day in lecture you find out the average was 59%.
Now this is what happened for the Physics Exam at CSM. The averagewas 59% an F. It wasn’t curved and trust me the test was impossibly hard. Idkrandom story I decided to write bash it as much as you like I wrote it in 15minutes. Squirrel part idk y I put that in I thought it’d be funny J
Have a great day NS!
Sparknotes: Physics test at Colorado School of Mines averagewas 59% (F) which fucking sucks and the test was super hard + not curved.