The point of this thread is not to say which should people buy but actually what are the real differences. The price is not a factor in this thread because im looking at a strict spec on spec list of the two. I have noticed that bigger companies almost always go with the 7d over the t2i and I am wondering the main benefits.
I have come to think the main thing is durability, The fact the production companies (stept, level 1, hollywood, etc) can get these and put a number on them and throw them out to there shooters and be pretty confident they will last a while a while is a huge up. While a t2i is a pretty fragile device that they are taking chances of having to replace them.
I know the 7ds ml is very basic but it gives the 7d alot of the features that the t2i has and the 7d will soon get the rest of the features that the t2i has.
So my comparison now is the 7d already had a benefit of being durable but lacked the hack that the t2i has. but now that a hack has been created and more coming soon on the horizon I think the 7d can finally be deemed *better (or will be when the hack is further updated).
*better to production studios where they dont want to take chances on breaking cameras and money is not a huge factor
Now of course I am only comparing video to video. If I was to take Photo to video that is completely different and the 7d is a huge step from the t2i in that.