My trip to 'Westhorn Mountain'
Day 1/Hour 1-Woke up in car in parking lot for opening day of the season
-stood in line to get tickets and brushed teeth while checking out ski chicks, got distracted and poked self in eye
Day 1/Hour 2-Carson and Will flirted with chair operators while we were waiting in line...eye still in pain
Day 1 /Hour 3-Finally got to top of mountain
-saw ski patrol guy
-couldn't help it I threw a snowball laiden with rocks...Direct Hit
-Rode away like hell
Day 1/Hour 4-Lost ski patrol guy when he spotted teenagers smoking
-Carson and Will scared when long haired thin lift operator turned out to be Heavy Metal rocker
Day 1/Hour 5-Somehow lost contact with Will(probably stealing gasoline for our ride home)
-met Robert from school
-we kicked his ass and left him in the bushes
-came into contact with ski patrol guy
-gave us a lecture on 'mountain safety'
-got distracted by teenagers playing loud music
-we escaped
Day 1/Hour 6-Upon Spotting Will, Carson yelled for him in a high pitched girly manner
-High-Pitched Girly scream attracted indiginous bird that proceeded to smash into his head causing him to lose balance and topple off of chair falling into group of smoking teenagers playing loud music.
Day 1/Hour 7-we dicided to call it a day mostly because Carson kept jabbering about biscuits on a count of his head injury.