from the weapons of mass destruction thread i give you this weeks winner. i will let my cohorts regale you with the dishonorable mentions. the winner:
1212 posts
2004-09-21 19:17:39
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except for its a fact that you can never prove a universal positive or universal negative. you can never really say that they dont have them. you can say probably dont, but never dont. you can prove wether they have emthough, just not wether dont have em. also, if they buried in the sand of some desert, how can anyone prove they do or dont, if noone's talking, bith sides are left to mere speculation
i can say i understand what he was trying to say... but he didnt say it... just a bunch of jibberish... which im going to go play now.
You know the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear.
once back when i was a fetus i was aborted. it didn't hurt at all, but i was also high on life at the time. - thisangelicrage
its not rape....its surprise sex. you wake up and SURPRISE you had sex with me haha - huckster989